Winter is Coming and so is the Game of thrones final season. Season 8—the series’s final one—is coming back on April 14, 2019.Through seven seasons we’ve heard over and over that “when you play the Game of Thrones you win or you die”.it’s no surprise the internet is overflowing with crazy fan theories about how things will end for the characters of Westeros. Some are more realistic and based on credible events in the show, while others are just out there some crazy speculation, But anything can happen in Game of Thrones and everybody know that. To make sure that you won’t die from a heartbreak while watching your favourite charachter die. Here are 10 Fan made theories that might come true.
Photo credit:Polygon
While Daenerys is in the House of the Undying, she has a series of possibly prophetic visions. She walks through the throne room in Kings Landing, which is damaged and filled with snow. Before she can touch the Iron Throne, she’s called away by a sound and suddenly finds herself walking beyond the wall. There she meets Khal Drogo who says he has resisted death to wait for her. According to the theory, these were clues about the series’s end: The White Walkers will threaten Kings Landing. Daenerys will turn away from the throne to fight the White Walkers. Death awaits her beyond the wall.
Photo credit:Digitalspy
Seeing Jaime kill Cersei for the good of the realm would reprise his role as the Kingslayer. It would neatly fulfill the Volanqar prophecy—the prediction a witch made to a young Cersei, that she would be killed by a “younger sibling”. Doing something so obvious is not so like George R.R Martin. Redditor greypiano predicts that Arya will be Cersei’s killer. If she first kills Jaime and uses his face to catch Cersei unaware, then the volanqar prophecy will be confirmed.
Photo credit:Wikiofthrones
The theory tells us that Bran went back to the creation of the white walkers and tried to find a way to stop them from becoming a threat. Unfortunately, he ends up losing himself in the mind of the vicious Night King. This would certainly explain how the Night King was able to touch him and track him during his vision.In “The Door” we saw that Bran has a weird connection to the Night King. We also know he can go back in time and observe events or travel into someone else’s mind. Taking all these elements into account has led some to guess that Bran is actually the Night King.
Photo credit:Yahoo
This theory throws another contender for the Iron Throne into the mix.Curiously, Cersei says she never visited her firstborn child in the crypt, even though we know she is a fiercely devoted mother. Perhaps that’s because she knew her son was actually in Fleabottom as a blacksmith’s apprentice. And perhaps it was Cersei all along who was looking out for Gendry, securing his apprenticeship and protecting him from Joffrey’s purge of Robert’s bastards. Gendry, for his part, remembers only that his mother had yellow hair.
Photo credit:Bustle
Cornholio_the_white wrote that after the season 7 finale, their mom called to say she was sad about Viserion’s death. But she had a prediction: “I think it’s going to remember its mother.” She explained that Daenerys’s love would free Viserion from the Night King’s spell. Cornholio_the_white scoffed. That wasn’t possible. The dragon was dead. But then Mom dropped a compelling counterargument: “Not if the Red Woman brings it back. They’re keeping her around for something.”
Photo credit:Time
We all know that Tyrion always hated all the lanisters except “Jaime”. He often told his father that he is not his son. Everyone assumed this was because of Tyrion’s status as a dwarf, but perhaps it was more literal. What seems to convince people the most is that Daenerys’ dragons are ok with him. He’s also never fit in at all with the rest of his family, and many of the fans also thinks that he could be the third part of the three headed dragon.
Photo credit:Vanityfair
Let’s be honest, No kid deserves to have Cersei and Euron as its parents. The Night King would be a better father, Besides everyone know about how much of a psychopath is “Euron”. But a fan theory suggests that their might be the possibility of this happening, as Cersei knew she was losing Jaime and needed a way to keep controlling him. Plus, it didn’t hurt that she could also use the baby to manipulate Tyrion. But “Euron” and “Babies” doesn’t seem to fit in together.
Photo credit:Bustle
From the beginning of the series, fans have been predicting that Jon Snow is the Prince Who Was Promised—a reincarnation of the legendary hero Azor Ahai. But most predictions have overlooked a central piece of the Azor Ahai legend, which may spell doom for Daenerys: Azor Ahai, a lousy metallurgist, had a tough time forging his fabled flaming sword Lightbringer. Then he realized he needed to temper the blade by plunging it into the heart of his wife, Nissa Nissa, to imbue it with her power. (Because in the logic of this legend, killing a powerful woman turns a mediocre man into a hero.) If Jon Snow is Azor Ahai, the theory goes, then Daenerys will be his Nissa Nissa—the one true love he must kill in order to save the realm.
Photo credit:Watchersonthewall
If we had a Dollar for every time we heard “a Lannister always pays his debts,” we’d be as rich as the Lannisters used to be. Cersei thought she had finally gained an upper hand when she repaid her family’s debt to the Iron Bank, but while being in iron banks debt, the bank couldn’t afford to loose her. Iron bank is just like any other bank in the world, they do what profits them the most. While they may be mad at Dany for ending slavery in Essos, they may also recognize that she’s the best bet in the coming fight and decide to switch sides. This can put Cersei out of the game.
Photo credit:Inverse
We can never lose sight of the fact that he’s a brilliant manipulator. He is a Lannister after all. We didn’t see his whole conversation with Cersei, so perhaps there was a deal made that we haven’t found out about yet. A looming betrayal could certainly be the reason he looked so upset about Jon and Dany being together. But Tyrion is smart enough to understand that his sister cannot be trusted. Let’s hope this theory turns out not to be true. What do you think about these theories, let us know in the comment section.