One of the most important aspects of Islam is the concept of haram, which refers to the things that are forbidden or discouraged in the religion. This can range from food and drink to behavior and dress. Here we will discuss 10 things that are haram in Islam.
10- Music
Music has been a part of Islamic culture since its earliest days. It has been used in religious rituals and ceremonies, in public gatherings, and in private settings.It has been used to express joy, sorrow, and the human condition, and to celebrate and reflect on life’s milestones.
However, many Muslims have debated the place of music in their faith. While some believe music is permissible, others consider it to be haram (forbidden) in Islam.
The debate stems from several verses in the Quran. In some, music is seen as a form of temptation and distraction from the worship of God.In others, it is seen as a means of entertainment and celebration. This has led to a great deal of discussion among Islamic scholars and theologians over the centuries.
9- Making Idols
Making idols is an act that is forbidden in the Islamic faith. In the Quran, Allah states, “Verily, Allah will not forgive the setting up of rivals unto Him, but He forgiveth whatsoever is less than that to whom He pleaseth.” This verse explicitly forbids the creation of idols and any other thing that can be considered a rival to Allah.
The prohibition against idolatry is based on the core beliefs of Islam. According to the Islamic faith, God is the only one worthy of worship and there should be no rivals to Him. Creating an idol, whether it be of a person, an object, or an animal, is seen as an act of shirk (polytheism) and is strictly forbidden.
8- Usury
Usury is the practice of lending money with interest, and is forbidden in Islam. The term comes from the Latin usura, which means “interest”. While it is permissible to charge a fee for a loan, the Islamic concept of usury prohibits the charging of interest. This prohibition applies to all forms of lending, whether it is in the form of a loan, a credit card, or a mortgage.
The prohibition of usury in Islam is based on the concept of fairness and justice. The Quran states that “Allah has permitted trade and He has forbidden usury”. This prohibition serves as a reminder to lenders to be fair and just in their dealings with borrowers and to not take advantage of them.
Usury is considered to be a form of exploitation and is therefore prohibited in Islam. In addition, usury can be a major cause of economic hardship for borrowers, as they can become trapped in a cycle of debt from which they cannot escape. By prohibiting usury, Islam seeks to protect both lenders and borrowers from exploitation and financial hardship.
7- Suicide
Suicide is a serious issue that has affected many people around the world, and Muslims are no exception. In Islam, it is considered a major sin and is prohibited. The Quran states that “whoever kills himself will remain in the torment of the grave forever” (4:29).
Although suicide is strictly prohibited in Islam, it does not mean that those who have committed suicide are condemned to Hell.In fact, Islam teaches that suicide is a sign of distress, and those who have committed this act should be accorded mercy and compassion.It is believed that the individual will be judged by Allah on the Day of Judgment and that Allah is the only one who can forgive or punish them.
6- Tatto’s
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The issue of tattoos in Islam is a complex one, and there are a variety of opinions on the subject. Generally, most Islamic scholars agree that tattoos are haram (forbidden) in Islam based on the hadith (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad). The most commonly cited reason is that they are seen as a form of bodily modification, which is forbidden in Islam.
In addition to being seen as a form of bodily modification, tattoos are also considered to be a form of permanent decoration, which the Prophet Muhammad prohibited.According to one hadith, the Prophet Muhammad said: “He who makes a tattoo or has it made will be punished by Allah.” This hadith has served as the basis for the belief that tattoos are haram in Islam.
5- Intentional Killing
Killing is one of the most serious sins in Islam; it is absolutely forbidden and prohibited in the religion. This prohibition applies to all forms of intentional killing. The Prophet Muhammad said: “No one should kill except in one of three cases: a just retribution for murder, for someone who has killed someone else without right, or for someone who is spreading mischief in the land.”
The Qur’an states: “Whoever takes the life of a soul without right, it is as if he killed all of mankind.” (Qur’an 5:32). This verse clearly conveys the gravity of the sin of taking a life. It is an act that is considered so abhorrent that it is as if the murderer has killed all of mankind, and it is for this reason that intentional killing is strictly forbidden in Islam.
Islam also requires that we take all measures possible to ensure that no innocent life is lost.This is why defensive jihad (jihad for self-defense) is permitted in certain circumstances, and even in these cases, it must be used only as a last resort.
4- Gambling
Gambling is strictly forbidden (haram) in Islam. The Quran clearly states, “O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling, [sacrificing on] stone alters [to other than Allah], and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful” (Quran 5:90).
Gambling is considered a form of deceit, and is seen as a major sin in Islam.It is considered a form of corruption, as it has the potential to take away people’s money and possessions without any productive outcome.It is also seen as a form of self-destruction, as it encourages people to risk their own resources without any guarantee of success.
Islam also views gambling as a form of injustice, as it requires people to take risks with their money and possessions without any guarantee of success. People who gamble often end up losing more money than they initially had, and this can lead to a great deal of hardship.
3- Drinking Alcohol
Photo Credit: Sunnionline
In Islam, the consumption of alcohol is strictly prohibited. The Quran states “O you who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination of Satan’s handiwork; shun such that you may prosper.” (Quran 5:90). This verse is clear in its prohibition of alcohol, and is further highlighted in other verses of the Quran.
It is believed that alcohol leads to a decrease in the ability to make sound decisions, and it leads to a lack of self-control.Moreover, it is seen as a substance that is damaging to individuals, families, and societies.As such, it is considered to be a form of rebellion against the teachings of Islam, and a sign of disobedience to the word of Allah.
The prohibition of alcohol is a major part of the Islamic way of life. It is seen as a way to promote a healthy and balanced lifestyle.Furthermore, it is seen as a way of promoting a sense of unity and a spirit of brotherhood among Muslims.
2- Silk & Gold
Silk and gold are two luxurious fabrics that have been coveted for centuries.From ancient civilizations to modern-day cultures, these fabrics have been used to adorn the wealthy and powerful. In Islam, however, their use is more complicated. While silk is generally permissible, gold is generally prohibited in Islamic practice.
Silk is not specifically mentioned in the Quran, but it is generally permissible for Muslim men and women to wear silk according to Islamic law.This has been interpreted to mean that the wearing of silk is not inherently prohibited, but there are certain restrictions to consider.For men, it is typically discouraged to wear silk, as it is seen as a sign of vanity and indulgence in excessive luxury.However, there is no prohibition against Muslim women wearing silk, as it is seen as a sign of beauty.
Gold is a different story. According to Islamic law, it is generally prohibited for men to wear gold jewelry or clothing. This is based on the verse in the Quran which states, “Believers, do not wear gold rings or any other showy ornaments” (Quran 24:31). This verse is interpreted to mean that it is prohibited for men to wear gold jewelry or clothing, as this is seen as a sign of vanity and excessiveness.
1- Eating Pork
To Muslims, pork is considered to be unclean meat, and its consumption is strictly prohibited.The prohibition of eating pork is based on a variety of reasons, some of which are religious and some of which are practical. From a religious standpoint, the Quran explicitly forbids the consumption of pork, stating that it is “a wicked thing and an abomination” (Quran 5:3). The Quran also states that anything considered to be unclean or impure is forbidden.This means that, as pork is considered to be unclean, it is not permissible to consume it under Islamic law.
From a practical standpoint, the prohibition of pork has helped to protect the health of Muslims for centuries. Pork is more likely to harbor parasites and toxins than other meats, and it has been linked to various diseases over the centuries.